Shaky's "Earthquake" introduces us to the exciting solo effort of an experienced producer and rocker with a long history in...
Producer, musician, and DJ Kimon Katafigiotis's "Xoris Esena" by Korvez featuring Manthy is a fascinating trip through the world of...
"Sick and Tired" by Bret Nybo is a bold and socially conscious track that tackles the issue of greed in...
O Kanenas' "Ludlow Massacre" is a powerful and moving recollection of the sad events surrounding the Colorado coal miners' strike...
NASH's daring and avant-garde solo project "Tokyo Nights" combines synthwave, metalcore, and cyberpunk elements to create a hooking musical experience....
Hans Frans's "Neu, Cadaques" is a hypnotic instrumental track that leads listeners to a wide range of musical settings. The...
Clone's song "Dividing Line" combines a powerful mix of post-punk intensity, guitar chords reminiscent of early U2, and deeply insightful...
Lesbian Speed Dating's "When the Sun Shines" is a hypnotic mix of psychedelic rock, dreamy synthscapes, and oriental percussion that...
9-Volt Velvet's "Hey, Candy" is an upbeat punk/post-punk hit song that makes a strong impression. Mark Cross, Donnie Robertson, and...
One of the greatest storytellers of his generation, a scion of the stage, master of the musical performance and fearless...