Scherzando, inspired by Evert Van Eynde's personal battle with tinnitus, transforms a difficult experience to a cinematic masterpiece. The music...
Gabriël Noerens Trio's "Be Swingin'" begins with classic jazz beats, creating a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. A deeper listen, however,...
"Our Song" by 5ivestarsongs dives into the complexities of love, combining a variety of musical influences into an integrated and...
WATCH/STREAM/PURCHASE PRE-ORDER/PRE-SAVE THE ALBUM DIRKSCHNEIDER are thrilled to announce the release of the first single from the highly anticipated anniversary re-recording...
WATCH/STREAM/PURCHASE PRE-ORDER/PRE-SAVE "TWWNE" In the final countdown to the release of their highly anticipated studio album "The World Was Never Enough," Swedish...
“Performs Days of Future Passed Tour” - Playing the iconic album in its entirely, plus a selection of CLASSIC HITSJohn Lodge, legendary bass...
Sergey Khomenko's "Road Mini Symphony" is an exciting, composition that expresses an emotional and cinematic adventure. It starts with cool,...
Heathcliff's Circles is an angry mix of metalcore energy and skate-punk energy, resulting in an addictive sound. From the start, the...
États d'Âme's My Best Friend explores the complications of platonic friendship between individuals of opposing genders. The track's storyline digs...
Swamp Song/Irregular CD/LP/DL Dist. Cargo Release date 3 February 2025 File under Paisley Underground/Dustbowl Psych/Garage Americana Having turned various heads...