The Palace of Tears' "The Embers of Your Being Glow" is an immersing trip through mysterious and gloomy aural worlds...
The Speed of Sound's "The Great Acceleration" takes listeners on an emotional adventure that combines alternative rock with big cinematic...
Frenchy and the Punk's "Hypnotized" is a thrilling tour through ethereal settings and haunting music that highlights the duo's unique...
Federale's song "Heaven Forgive Me" combines a seductive combination of nostalgic vibes and spooky melodies that place listeners in a...
From the first note on, Phil Fortin's "Décence" grabs listeners with its intriguing exploration of post-punk with an electro twist....
Drummer Doug Spears' engaging instrumental song "Shattered" shows his exceptional ability and proficiency. This work, which is obviously influenced by...
Shaky's "Earthquake" introduces us to the exciting solo effort of an experienced producer and rocker with a long history in...
Producer, musician, and DJ Kimon Katafigiotis's "Xoris Esena" by Korvez featuring Manthy is a fascinating trip through the world of...
"Sick and Tired" by Bret Nybo is a bold and socially conscious track that tackles the issue of greed in...
O Kanenas' "Ludlow Massacre" is a powerful and moving recollection of the sad events surrounding the Colorado coal miners' strike...