With the intention of blending numerous inspirations, Beyond The Void was created in Strasbourg in 2018. The group suggests a...
“Let Go” is a new collection of songs written and recorded by multi-instrumentalist Matt Dorsey. Stylistically it stands as a...
Due to its structure, the track "Please" from SEMH's upcoming album is an uplifting dance track with emotional lyrics that...
FEATURING NEW KEVIN DUBROW TRACK "I CAN'T HOLD ON" Legendary rock band Quiet Riot has just re-released "REHAB: RELAPSED AND REMASTERED" via Red...
Luca di Luzio has just released his second album as a composer and guitarist, which is called "Never Give Up."...
In addition to being a Top 5 iTunes UK Charting singer-songwriter, Sarantos is a DIY worldwide award-winning solo music artist...
Doorshan is a group from Rouen that was established at the end of 2010 and fully embraces contemporary music. Doorshan...
Berlin, Germany and Orlando, Florida are the band's respective home bases. The band's singer is the band's sister (Tessa), while...
Cybèle is at ease performing a variety of musical styles, including Jazz, Pop, modern music, Opera, and more. She has...
This is a humorous song with smart and real lyrics that deal with the ironic illusion that everybody should be...