Felipe Malaquias is a Brazilian composer, pianist, and singer who recently released the track "Life goes on." The song begins...
Sonic Sovereign, a rock band from Detroit, is the offspring of traditional 70s rock, 90s alt grunge, and Tom Petty's...
Matia is a singer/songwriter from Los Angeles with a powerful story behind her music. She struggled for her life due...
Legendary Philadelphian band Supa Philly was created in 1977 from the greatest acts from NY, NJ, and PA. Some of...
The song begins with a catchy Funk Rock guitar riff reminiscent of the Red Hot Chili Peppers; however, the later...
This is a Fusion Jazz journey with complex, emotional, and expressive soundscapes that will feed your mind with cinematic pictures...
The track begins with some damn good breaks and a Hip-Hop storm with Swiss lyrics, breaks into the audio field...
"My Heartache" is the single from the artist’s next album, which is a song rich in emotions and inspired by...
Here is the second track we receive from the artist Ashley Warner, which comes from the album "Who The Fuck...
"The Way Things Go," a new song by Joe Billy, is a flow rant about a variety of topics that...