Η φράση GLAM ROCK ίσως δεν θυμίζει και πολλά πράγματα στο Ελληνικό κοινό, ιδιαίτερα στους νεώτερους που μεγάλωσαν με άλλα...
1. So we have a war, right ? WAKE UP! WAR is what THE GREAT KAT’S NEW “WAGNER’S WAR” CD is...
1. Let us know about the past of Ernesto... The history of Ernesto Diaz-Infante goes back to the early eighties...
1. First we can start with a question, where are you from? Lanvall and myself are from Linz, the other...
1.First of all, tell us the history of "Dol Ammad" Dol Ammad as a concept was spinning in my head...
1. Let us know about the story of your band. Like Gladiator, The Wrath Of Kahn and Princess Bride, Detox...
1. First of all, tell us the history of "Darklight" We met in different stages, but we always had the...
1.First of all, tell us the history of "Cessation of Life"? Cessation Of Life started 8 years ago in Camarillo...
1.First of all, tell us the history of "Catholicon" We started around April of 1994. We've been in Baton Rouge,...
1. So what had you been doing after the release of Silicon Messiah ? We finished the tour and then...