1. First of all, tell us the history of "Anthenora" The five pieces-band, Anthenora, was born in 1990 as a...
1. Antonis: First of all, tell us the history of "AnAkA"? AnAkA is a heavy metal/ hard rock band from...
1. A friend of mine is <<crazy>> about you. He loves your music and he told me to do this...
1.First of all, tell us the history of "Vagh"? The project VAGH was born september 2000. I was tired of...
1.How are you Oliver? Fine , thank you 2. In the site of Massacre records said tha “lunatic Siren” is your debut...
1. How did you find the group's name ?Maybe "with a little help from your friend Tracee" ? What are...
Μια ενδιαφέρουσα συναυλία που παρακολουθήσαμε πρόσφατα ήταν αυτή των CANNIBAL CORPSE και NUCLEAR ASSAULT. Η μεγάλη των κάφρων σχολή είχε...
1.You are a glam metal band from UK , let me know about the glam scene of your country.... As...
1. So I am surprised to hear classic hard rock again and not nu metal or pop punk.... It's the...
1.First of all, tell us the history of "Slaine"? Slaine has been founded in 1992 by Adi (drums) and This...