May 16, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000


3 min read

1.First of all, tell us the history of “Black Winter”

Demonith: Black Winter created in the summer of 2000 from
Astrous(goatthroat, mysticism kyes), Gasgorth(axe of hell), Atheist(axe of
chaos), Demonith(battery) and Zephyrus(axe of death).In September of 2001 we  recorded our first demo “The Spells of Black Winter” with three guitars and  without bass. In April of 2002 we released the second demo “A Dark Echo from  the Demoniacal Hell of Lucifer”.This time with three guitars and bass.The  bass player called Stormer. After that Zephyrus and Stomrer left the band and we found an other bass player. He was Zachos, the guitarist of Jackal’s Truth. We make with him one live and after that retired from the band.Now we find a new bass player that is called Victor Imperator.

2.Tell us some details for the demo cd “A Dark echo from the demoniacal hell of lucifer”

Atheist:This demo have 5 songs and 1 outro full of hate and misanthropy.The total time is 21 minutes.The front cover is the castle of  Count Drakula and i belive that is a great union with the title of our demo.

3.Is there any feedback from the audience about the demo till now ?

Gasgorth:Offcurse!Until now we have take very good reviews from other hellenic hordes, zines and black metallers and for this reason we are very proud!

4.Which is the procedure when you write the songs?

Astrous:When we write the songs we are in a sidereal situation that make us to spread all the infernal hate and blasphemies around the christians , faggots and cunts.

5.Have you already played any gig?

Atheist:Yes.We organized with one other topical band, that called Fegura
Vest, a festival here in Larisa.The bands that we played on the same stage  were:Faceless God,Dark Shadow,Fegura Vest,Dark Messiah, Scum and Stalebown. I believe that it was a great live with a lot of black metal, beers and blood!

6.Your influences from the metal scene?

Demonith:our influnce is the black metal like the (True)Mayhem,Burzum and  Darkthrone.

7.Tell me your opinion about metal scene in Greece

Astrous:Here in Hellas, the scene is very good. Bands like: Unholy  Archangel, Enshadowed, The Shadow Order,Burial Hordes,Faceless God and Dark Shadow are very fucking good!Support the true Hellenic Hordes!

8.Tell me you favorite album and your favorite bands

Gasgorth:We haven’t favorites albums or bands.Just we have some bands in
appreciation.Some albums that we appreciate are:Transylvanian Hunger, De  Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, Burzum/Aske and In the Nightside Eclipse.

9.What are your plans in the future for “Black Winter”?

Atheist:We have no fixed plans.Just we want to playing our Infernal Black Metal!

10.Is metal a way of your life?

Demonith:Metal is our life, especially black metal.Our food is black metal, our dreams are black metal, we are BLACK METAL!

11.Have you any plans for a full lenght cd?

Gasgorth:If we succesed to make a perfect album, only then we will release a full lenght cd.

12.I found you through internet, do you think that the net can replace the old underground days?

Astrous:No Nothing can replace tha underground.We belive that internet is  a way to be the name Black Winter more known to persons that are searching for true Hordes.

13.Thanks for your interview and close the interview as you like.

Astrous:I’m closing the interview with some lyrics of our song
Chimonanthus:”Oh Black Winter man broke the spells and let the snow to cover the Earth,the Earth of God,the God of Death and the Death of  Christ! Christ…I know him, I am his brother but i can’t stop the bleeding i  feel that one day i will be his enemy.I will fight him and i will worship him. I will kill him!!!