"The Destination" is an engaging and atmospheric Experimental Rock track that showcases the producer's talent for creating immersive and captivating...
Jon Othello and Elle Flores, a psyschedelic Garage Noir Deux duo from Tresco on the Isles of Scilly, make up...
The Goth/Post-Punk, 1980s inspired vibe of the band is obvious in the two tracks that this single consists of. The...
The Graft is an indie-rock band with swagger, energy, and songs that will get you up on the dance floor...
This guitar-driven band presents an EP with a raw sound that draws influences from Post-Punk, Punk Rock and Garage Rock...
The music of the new single of the band is modern Alternative Rock with some Post-Punk influences, especially in the...
A Christmas song comes to you with heavy rock guitars and almost Goth vocals to welcome Santa Claus! The band...
This dude is "Duke" for sure, and offers an impressive royal style of Post-Punk with a lot of musical influences...
The Post-Punk guitar riff places the listener in the center of a world made of magenta, which is the color...
The track begins with a groovy Alternative Rock/Post-Punk guitar riff that is transformed into heavy rock that reminds me a...