Andrea Braschi's Aeternum is an interesting voyage through classical and epic scenes, with an exciting mix of piano, orchestral components, and...
"Nightmare" by Deadly Shadows is a compelling classic metal track that pays homage to the genre's roots, drawing inspiration from...
"Welcome to the New Frontier" introduces listeners to the unique musical world of Shattered Worlds, a solo project spearheaded by...
Brenna's latest track, "In Your Head," delivers a powerful punch right from the start, with a lo-fi fading intro that...
I Ya Toyah's latest single, "Panic Room," stands as a proof to the artist's commitment to self-expression, echoing the translated...
Verona on Venus, the brainchild of DevilDriver guitarist Mike Spreitzer, burst onto the scene in late 2023, and their debut...
"Army of the Damned" by Rabid Assassin is a relentless and powerful tribute to the enduring spirit of classic Thrash...
"Murder!" is not your average punk band...Founded by Gus Walters and Tina Williams in early 2022, the Western New York-based...
"Made Of Stone" by F4NIA is a powerful metal track that immediately grabs your attention. Founded as a solo project...
"Hexagon" by Notre-Dame Of Tokyo is a powerful and enigmatic track that carries the unmistakable influence of System of a...