June 2, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

F4NIA – Made Of Stone

2 min read

“Made Of Stone” by F4NIA is a powerful metal track that immediately grabs your attention. Founded as a solo project by Stephane Fania in Montreal, Canada, F4NIA showcases the talents of a multifaceted artist who serves as the producer, singer, songwriter, and instrumentalist. While “Made Of Stone” is undoubtedly influenced by heavyweights like Tool, Alice In Chains, Godsmack, and Metallica, it brings its own unique energy to the table. The track opens with a solid, driving rhythm that sets the tone for a metal experience filled with cool riffs and guitar parts. The guitar work is a standout feature, offering a blend of heavy, intricate, and melodic elements. These guitar riffs, reminiscent of the bands that influenced F4NIA, provide a strong backbone for the song and are sure to captivate metal enthusiasts. The vocals, while engaging, could benefit from a technical upgrade: The addition of effects and some mastering could bring more depth and clarity to the vocal performance, aligning it with the high-quality instrumental elements. This step would undoubtedly boost the overall impact of “Made Of Stone.” “Made Of Stone” exudes potential and presents a promising snapshot of F4NIA’s abilities. The track’s raw energy, catchy riffs, and compelling melodies create a headbanging-worthy experience that leaves you wanting more. F4NIA’s dedication to the metal genre is evident, and with some additional studio enhancements, this project could emerge as a force to be reckoned with in the metal scene.
