ZO2, the powerhouse trio known for their electrifying live performances and T.V show “Z Rock”, is back and ready to captivate...
Ronald Van Deurzen, an esteemed pianist and composer known for his versatility in contemporary instrumental music, takes us on a...
PJ Far-West Selecta, a seasoned musician and reggae-dub-ska enthusiast with over four decades of musical experience, teams up with the...
Katja Macabre's "Brains" is a rock track that seamlessly weaves together the aesthetic allure of horror movies with a deeper,...
Bailey Tomkinson's rendition of "Christmas for Cowboys" is a soul-stirring country/folk ballad that pays homage to the timeless spirit of...
Raynald Grenier's "Sonatina in C Sharp" is a dreamy instrumental piano track that takes listeners on an emotional rollercoaster, blending...
Breena's "At the Seaside" unfolds as a captivating ballad that blends jazzy and indie rock influences, revealing the artist's exceptional...
Timothy LaRoque's "Where You Going?" takes listeners on a nostalgic journey through the realms of acoustic balladry, drawing inspiration from...
Bill and Drew, a dynamic duo hailing from western Pennsylvania, have taken a bold step into the realm of classic...
The Project's "Over You" emerges as a hard-hitting rock track that pays homage to the golden era of hard rock,...