“Dumb Blonde” is the autobiography of Miss Guy’s transformation from glam punk vixen to androgynous rock superstar. Directed by Francis...
Los Angeles, California: Fear Factory today confirms Matt DeVries as the band’s new bass player. DeVries, previously of Chimaira and...
Versus The Nothing want you to know that they would do anything for love, which in true reality is touring,...
It's an extreme noise pleasure!SCUM, the classic 1987 debut album from grindcore pioneers NAPALM DEATH, is due to be re-released...
I AM PR Agency is proud to announce the signing of Wuli Records recording artist Reform The Resistance to its...
"Thank you so much to all who attended the premiere at Tammany Hall. It was a great night with incredible...
It's been a while since we last heard from Brad Smith's solo project, Abandon Jalopy. However, since AJ's 2002 debut,...
In the moments immediately following the MegaUpload shutdown, global internet traffic dipped an astounding 2-3 percent. Unfortunately for the feds,...
While major labels keep seeing red and the media continues to spread their doomsday analyses, CD Baby, the world's leading...
By 2014, 60% of all home audio shipments across the USA, Western Europe and Japan will feature networking connectivity, according...