Much to the excitement of progressive rock fans around the globe, legendary Australian prog ensemble Unitopia is releasing a new...
Gypsygarden records is pleased to announce Flowerland's first release in 15 years: "The Caffeine Disk EP" six classic Flowerland songs...
Demon Doll Records & founding member Danny Knutson have teamed up to bring you an electric set of 18 highly...
Vintage Concert By Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman, Howe Now Available on Deluxe Edition 2-CD/DVD Box Set
Much to the excitement of progressive rock fans across the globe, UK's premier record label Gonzo MultiMedia has released a...
David Hidalgo, Luther Dickinson and Mato Nanji met as featured artists on The Experience Hendrix tour, which has been famous...
By the end of 1974 all was not well in the camp of the group tagged 'the greatest rock n'...
Helsinki vampire/goth rock outfit, The 69 Eyes, has teamed up with Fangoria to cast moonlight upon the band’s latest music...
The pure AOR of the international recording project CHARMING GRACE is based on the idea of writing songs in the...
'Subterranea' is the name of new instrumental album by guitarist Mehran which is due for release in September 2012. Just...
Celebrated singer-songwriter and music producer Trent Reznor has been an independent recording artist ever since he left Interscope Records in...