"All Roads" begins with a fuzzy, distorted guitar that sets an electrifying language, soon followed by an explosive drum beat that...
"Let's Rise" begins with a Folk-Blues sound that grabs attention with its professional mastering and loud, clear production. The musical...
Cole Anyway, with Elevator Pitch creates an electronica masterpiece. This instrumental music is like a complex, dreamlike narrative communicated without words, catching...
Simon Hodges's song "What's Your Situation," which combines alternative rock with a narrative-driven vocal style, is a dynamic and interesting...
Originally from Frankfurt, Germany, ElKremso's song "Rock Breaker" offers a dirty, passionate performance. Beginning with a strong heavy rock rhythm,...
Pidgeon Memory, which was originally published in 1986 as part of the Victims of Convenience album, shows Conveniens' innovative approach...
Scott Emmerman's Emerald Isle is a kaleidoscope trip into sound that combines genres and an adventurous mindset. The song begins...
new EPout 6th December 2024(Trisol)pre-save/add | Bandcampalso includes brand new songYOU’RE THE ONE+ six remixes of each trackoriginal version of BLOOD OF...
Your solo album, Model Kollapse, explores dystopian, industrial themes while incorporating a mix of genres like electro-industrial, techno, and darkwave....
Status Quo has endured for over 50 years and is known for worldwide hits and tours to millions of fans...