"Defenseless" by NOAPOLOGY is a gripping fusion of NuMetal and Metalcore elements that showcases the band's dynamic energy and raw...
"En Bouche" by Yalys is a catchy fusion of jazz, electronica, and industrial rock elements that creates a unique sonic...
Chilean/Belgian vocal powerhouse Dani Hart isn't just another rock singer; she's a force to be reckoned with. Laser-focused on conquering...
Interview with David Rohl 1. The Mandalaband's debut album and second release, "The Eye of Wendor: Prophecies," are set to...
While hard rock power metal titans FIREWIND have just kicked off an extensive European tour with MASTERPLAN (find all dates listed below!), today, they...
In "Piraeus," Kavos takes listeners on a trip that smartly merges traditional Greek elements with the complexity of jazz. From...
Mick Johnson, a versatile songwriter and producer hailing from the vibrant music scene of the North East of England, presents...
Sergey Khomenko's instrumental track, "A Christmas Letter to My Mother," is a journey through emotions and memories, beautifully encapsulated in...
An unexpected concerto. The streets of Berlin. Nourishment and exhaustion. The celestial, moving among us. All of these things might...
The filmmakers behind Anno 2020, an award-winning, Australian-produced, mystery-drama soon to celebrate its world premiere, count themselves lucky to have...