"Jim Duff's 'Ol Cowboy' paints a vivid musical portrait of life on the road, combining heartfelt lyrics with traditional country...
"Indy Fontaine's rendition of 'Is This Love' offers a fresh take on the iconic Whitesnake classic, showcasing her exceptional talent...
"Yannick Benoit Quartet's 'Future Is In The Field' delivers a delightful mix of jazz elements, blending together to create a...
"‘Thought You Up’ by IlanaKovalle presents an interesting blend of pop sensibilities with a touch of theatricality, creating an impressive...
"Buzhold, formerly known as Noir, presents a musical journey with their latest track, 'Shoe Case.' This talented quartet, comprising Edvin,...
"Knocking on the Window" by Sergey Khomenko is an instrumental track that fuses elements of jazz, funk, and electronic dance...
"Kouté Pou Tann" by The Bolokos is a vibrant fusion of punk rock energy and traditional Guadeloupean influences, making for...
"Where Is The Light" by Extra Time, the brainchild of Brendan McNamara, presents a compelling fusion of classic jazz, nostalgic...
With less than a week before the launch of their brand-new studio album, Back In Time, one of Europe’s most...
Nearly 50 years after his untimely passing at the age of 27, Pete Ham is still giving the world beautiful...