The press release has lost value in recent years as the web has opened up a wide range of communication...
From big stadium games to multi-day music festivals, a live event is one of the most memorable experiences for fans....
Listen to yet another intriguing podcast episode from DANKO JONES’ world of music, madness and interesting characters. In episode #57...
Revered by legions of high-profile musicians, including Led Zeppelin's JohnBonham, as one of the most innovative and powerful drummers that...
Grooveshark is in some hot water thanks to the BPI, a trade organization in the U.K. that is looking to...
Sony recently announced that unlike the PlayStation 3, its PlayStation 4 would not be able to play CDs or MP3...
Live Nation is negotiating to buy the management companies behind U2 and Madonna, according to the New York Times, citing...
Πρόσκληση σε εθνικό διάλογο για τον πολιτισμό απηύθυνε ο Υπουργός Πολιτισμού και Αθλητισμού κ. Πάνος Παναγιωτόπουλος προς όλες τις πτέρυγες...
SOCAN - the Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada - has entered into a groundbreaking agreement with...
Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), the global leader in music rights management, will celebrate the 75th year of its founding in...