Cymbalic Encounters displays its ‘world music’ side with the release of “Afrika Mandalika,” which features nine original progressive rock songs...
The Tin Drum Family Band was born out of an unlikely space that Covid provided the Drummond family. Burleigh Drummond...
Prepare to be catapulted into the future-past as Powerman 5000, the veteran industrial metal monsters, unleash their latest sonic onslaught...
8 years. 23 studio albums + 17 live albums (from A-Z and beyond), thousands of live performances, countless band members...
Recorded in 2016, “Powertron” has languished in the Bill Nelson archives for eight years. A potent collection of twelve pieces...
Cymbalic Encounters new album “Eclipsis” coincides with the solar eclipse of 2024. Guest artists include bassist Dave Sturt from Gong...
Spirit of Unicorn Music are pleased to announce the forthcoming release of “FOCUS 12”, the brand new studio album from Focus.Founded...
Listeners are taken to a realm where complex basslines and dynamic percussion patterns blend with dub sounds as soon as...
"Deeper Than Magic" by Rosetta West is a frightening adventure into the depths of the human mind, where the lines...
"WAI…?" by CARAVANA is a fusion of indie pop sensibility and acoustic mood, with hints of alternative rock, funk rock, jazz,...