For fans of electric guitar-driven music, Europa's instrumental tune "Shattered Stone" is a fixing trip that combines intriguing progressive metal...
Rob Favotto's instrumental piece "Tri-Flame" is a remarkable demonstration of his expertise and talent, with influences from legendary progressive metal...
The song "Challenging Uncertainty" by Ohnarp Janson is an appealing combination of jazz and soft rock components. Its rich orchestration...
Burn Kit's track "Release" is a compelling blend of college rock, alternative rock, and post-punk influences, showcasing a dynamic and...
Mr. Good Employee's "Long Live the Skeletons" is an explosive and fast-paced thrash metal song that pays tribute to the...
Fulton Calvery's "Beautifully Broken" is a beautiful and melodic rock song that highlights the artist's musical ability and expressive songwriting....
The engaging and genre-busting song "New Start" by London-and Los Angeles-based DJ, producer, and singer-songwriter Amazonica displays her unique talent....
Stoddard Blackall's "Pop, the Dress! (I Suddenly Know)" with Liza is a lively and varied song that showcases the vocalist's...
Manuel Laisné's "Raisonnable" is a beautiful combination of jazzy, funky, and dub components that make for a lively and exciting...
Two Headed Horse's "Shimmer" is a complex musical trip that combines dreamy atmospheres, folk, and indie rock into a fascinating...