In support of their new 'Hawk Hill' single, melodic alternative / indie rock duo Para Lia have revealed their new video, created by multmedia...
"Brindisi Waltz for Violin and Piano” (The Drinking Song)!Carnegie Recital Hall Violin Soloist/Juilliard grad Violin virtuoso and "Top 10 Fastest...
Norway's melodic hard rock artist VITNE is back with a brand new single "Encephalon" together with a captivating new music video. This...
Nektar: The Legendary Rock Band are recording a new album! This is the first new studio album made in the...
The "Hollywood Stars" is a classic rock band that summarizes the meaning of fun and rock n roll through their...
Hailing from Leeds, Klammer draw on the members' shared love for all things angular, dark, loud and melodic. Previously described...
The original multi-platinum selling band Berlin, return with a bold new album of superb, highly danceable, and powerful new music...
One of the most buzzed about L.A. indietronic bands of the last several years, the extraordinary L.A. Drones!, has just...
For the first time ever in a career that reaches all the way back to the ‘70s, British punk rock...
"It's The Hangmen he wanted to kill... we got run out of Cactusville," laments Bryan Small on the album's title...