"Apothecary" by Intercontinen7al is an interesting piece that mixes acoustic elements with funk rock, trip-hop, and pop influences. The song opens...
"Ready to Go" by Art Police, starring Federico Lodi and Iolanda Diana, is an atmospheric voyage that combines shoegaze, post-rock, and...
Tyson Bedes' "Stone by Stone" is a heartbreaking song that includes melodic guitar and gentle piano notes to create an emotionally...
Aorati's "Oute Kan (Light Me Up)" is a unique combination of lo-fi, grunge, and darkwave elements that result in an atmospheric...
"I'll Wait" by First Umpire is a compelling track that mixes lo-fi rock with post-punk and indie elements, resulting in a...
Eddy Mann's "I'm Coming" is a composition that mixes easy listening rock with blues and gospel influences, resulting in an emotionally strong and...
Midnight Sky's "Every Now and Then" is a bright and addictive country rock tune that highlights the songwriting abilities of...
Luanne Hunt's "Ghosts of a Simpler Time" is a moving and wonderfully composed modern country song that explores themes of...
Piglets Deep Forest's "I'll Keep You Warm" is a dreamy music that ambient rock, New Age, and Progressive Rock to create...
HOWRU's "CHEMICAL MAKEUP" is a powerful piece that combines numerous genres, leading listeners on a cool musical trip. The song begins...