"Strange Crossroads" by Organoclorados combines philosophical composing with a beautifully layered indie rock background. The single begins with a stripped-down guitar...
October 4, 2024 will see iconic hard rock act D-A-D release their much-awaited, thirteenth studio album, entitled ’Speed Of Darkness', via AFM Records. While most bands...
"System Failure" by Lily Danger is a raw and gritty punk music with the potential to shine with the correct...
Bēdu Brāļi's indie-rock single "Pieskaries" combines hypnotic rhythms with psychologically charged themes, creating an ethereal and cathartic soundtrack. The track's...
Midori Pol's "Siren Calls" is a fusion of 90s metal and dramatic narrative that creates an effective audio experience that fascinates...
Burned Out Youth's "Lucretia" is an ambitious song that expertly combines the emotional strength of 1980s power ballads with the...
Egon's music "Principio di Indeterminazione" balances sadness with energy, combining electric and acoustic elements to create a dynamic listening experience. The...
Zen Smith's "When I See You Again" is a mix of trip-hop, electronica, and dark rock components, resulting in an...
Zachary Mason's "I'll Get Through" is a combination of genres that takes the listener on a heartbreaking trip. The song begins...
Liberation Hall will issue Emergency at the Old Waldorf 1979, a previously unreleased concert recording by the English punk band 999, on October...