"Persona" by Tunchelli, featuring Dagon, is a six-and-a-half-minute trip through emotions and personal progress, according to the artist. The music...
Puerto Mariel's "Miércoles de Barra" begins with an appealing arrangement that includes exotic percussion, taking the listener into a vibrant,...
Tom Burton's "This Evening Long" begins with a combination of oriental dance music and up-to-date pop, setting the tone for...
"You Are Mine" by Montreal-based band Lesbian Speed Dating is a romantic, composition that perfectly mixes acoustic sounds with modern...
Rosetta West's "Broken Glass" is a harsh, high-octane rock song that brings listeners back to the toughness and edge of...
Beauty In Chaos, led by Michael Ciravolo, continues its daring exploration of post-rock, gothic, and dream-pop worlds with Dancing With...
Robin Guthrie's latest EP, Atlas, out now on Soleil Après Minuit, triggers the ethereal, atmospheric beauty that has always defined...
Raymond Watts, the creative genius behind PIG, has returned to the depths of industrial soundscapes with his latest release, Red...
Reverb & Seduction by Federale is a cinematic trip that combines atmospheric rock, gothic shades, and Americana elements. The album was...
The Speed of Sound's "The Same River" is a combination of nostalgia and present post-punk strength. Right from the start, the...