"Alone At A Table for Five" by Havard is an atmospheric exploration of loneliness and the desire for connection. The...
Straight Razor (Omar Doom)'s "Casualty" is a dynamic mix of EBM beats, dramatic vocals, and dynamic production that looks like raw...
Eyoa Tebel's song "Temple" is a dreamy pop and indie rock mix that combines soft and edgy components. The tune begins...
ArcterrA's "Echoes" combines progressive metal and symphonic beauty, creating a piece that is both enthusiastic and ethereal. The song opens...
Aglasio’s “Age of Light” is a slow trip through psychedelic sounds inspired by 1990s stoner rock and classic 1970s influences....
O Kanenas' "Kingdom of the Sea" begins with a massive, epic guitar riff that recalls the power of legendary heavy...
Sebastian Clarin's single "Palindromes" shows how to combine old synth-pop aesthetics with modern dance components. The tune takes listeners to the...
Glass Cabin's version of "The Chain" combines nostalgia with artistic thinking. The arrangement's focal point, the acoustic guitar, provides a folk warmth...
Poppy Roscoe's "Vacation Forever" is an interesting combination of folk rock and indie elements, packaged in a semi-psychedelic atmosphere. The...
Muva's "Sin Un Adiós" features renowned Bulgarian vocalist Milena Jeliazkova and is a deeply moving and sad tune inspired by...