On March 13, 2007, American gothic metal band TYPE O NEGATIVE released their seventh and final studio album, Dead Again. This year marks the 15th...
"Over" by the artist "WhyNotFrank" is an emotional and powerful track that showcases the band's talent for crafting introspective and...
Here's to Your Bones" by Cell Games is a dynamic and energetic rock song that showcases the band's talent for...
They play jazz-punk country music. Barbecue, kimchi, and beers were consumed at the beginning of Jack Quit the band, like...
This singer/songwriter typically performs with her ukulele at events, performances, and open mics in and in the Surrey region (and...
"The Destination" is an engaging and atmospheric Experimental Rock track that showcases the producer's talent for creating immersive and captivating...
THE HYBRIS is a trio of friends' global Alternative Rock project. Before we were dispersed across the globe, they used...
A haunting and introspective Jazz/Avant-garde piece that offers a deep and personal look at the struggles of mental health. The...
"Ghost Town" by Love Ghost featuring Santa RM is a haunting and impactful collaboration that blends the band's alternative rock...
When German industrialists Rammstein released “Du Hast” in 1997, no one could have predicted the international fervor the song would...