"Ghost Town" by Love Ghost featuring Santa RM is a haunting and impactful collaboration that blends the band's alternative rock...
When German industrialists Rammstein released “Du Hast” in 1997, no one could have predicted the international fervor the song would...
Nature has always been spiritually grounding for singer-songwriter and guitarist Griff Peters. A few years ago, when the San Diego,...
In the early days of Depeche Mode’s career, many dismissed the group as the kind of fluffy new wave electropop...
Marcel Marceau Honored By Centenary Celebration Exhibit at THE NATIONAL ARTS CLUB — MARCH 9 through APRIL 28, 2023Legendary actress...
At the crossroads of Southern Rock and Traditional Country music stood one band – Outlaws. Led by a superb triple...
Cleopatra Records announce the launch of an exciting new series of signed, limited edition fine art photographs featuring iconic images...
Blues music veteran and living legend, who has performed and written songs with B.B. King, Quincy Jones, Bonnie Raitt and...
Sleemo, a power trio from Norwich, made their debut in the middle of 2019. Since then, they have rapidly grown...
The track explores music from a multi-genre perspective, leading to a result inspired by music genres such as New Age,...