"Rock The Night Away" by Sixgun Renegades is a high-energy, hard rock track that pays homage to the classic bands...
"All In" by Laurent La Rocca is a captivating and upbeat dance track that showcases the artist's ability to create...
The Ironman 3 Metal Cover by Prisaric is an energetic and powerful rendition of the film's iconic theme song. The...
The concept of reincarnation has long been a subject of fascination and has, over the centuries, inspired countless myths, religions,...
1. How did you get into the film world? My introduction to feature film came about through Dark Shadows, the...
Cleopatra Records are proud to announce a brand-new page in the long story of the legendary Johnny Thunders, a fresh...
The musician, a Canadian who now resides in Texas, is a drummer who has performed live hip-hop, drum 'n' bass,...
What are your memories of your first album, "Plays Genesis and Other Original Stuff”?Those were exciting times as I was...
This is a collaborative project from musicians from all over the world using a common electronic platform to record n...
"Chromatose" is an EP by the band Junk that delivers a dynamic and intense listening experience. The EP showcases the...