"The Hag" by Mafia is a ferocious and intense track that delivers a punishing dose of death metal. From the...
In 2022, John Gallen released his debut album, "1970s," which debuted at No. 1 in Ireland. John plays multiple instruments,...
Our Stories Untold is a project by a new music producer from Germany. "Extermination" is an epic cinematic track with...
Multi-instrumentalist, producer, and composer Keith Randall is headquartered in Central Pennsylvania. Whether a solo act, a duo with his wife...
Hugh Hopper was a key member of Soft Machine and an accomplished solo artist but passed away in 2009. His...
LORDI give us the creeps unveiling a new digital single, 'Thing In The Cage' today. Providing hard rocking "spooktainment," the song is accompanied...
The moment when the New York Dolls hit the Big Apple’s teeming music scene in 1971/72 has been immortalized not...
Consummate entertainer Ann-Margret has announced her first new studio album in over a decade, Born To Be Wild, due out April...
How did you decide to release the live album “Live Lightning”?We had a discussion with Perris Records and thought it...
"Bad Thoughts by Cheezy Y is an interesting Punk Rock track. From the very first note, the song sets a...