Alberto Bazzoli's "Patrizia" is a dynamic pop instrumental that recalls the mood of a 1970s Italian soundtrack, providing listeners with...
Gary Cubberley's "The Advocate" begins with a warm, slow rock music that creates a romantic and sensitive mood. The opening attracts...
Karelle Beaudoin's Sors de ma tête is a catchy combination of groovy beats and ethereal Pop warmth. The tune begins with an...
Sergey Khomenko's A Story About Yesterday brings listeners to an era of cinematic elegance and nostalgia. The music begins with...
"Andromeda" is a beautiful work that combines jazz, classical, and Greek traditional elements, performed by an outstanding cast of Athens-based...
The song "Road to the Pit" begins with a strong, rough punk sound remining of The Idles, getting that raw energy that is...
Lizzie Thomas, a jazz soprano, offers a fresh, emotional warmth to the holiday season with her version of Donny Hathaway's...
Dean Cooper, Swedish vocalist Rob Lundgren, and LA-based producer Jay Ruston collaborated on the dramatic track "My Best Shot." The...
Alice's "Alien" is a strong, atmospheric trip into a dark sci-fi story, driven by an effective mix of metal, hard...
Harlow Caprice's "Weeping Moon" begins with a lovely, authentic acoustic harmony, establishing a sweet mood. Harlow's voice enters smoothly, providing...