Dan Webb, the Australian composer known for his post-genre explorations, presents "Sungenre," the fourth single from his highly anticipated album...
KAVOS, the Australian Greek-jazz fusion group, has unveiled their debut album's title track, "Pirates of Piraeus." Showcasing an intriguing blend...
Kaki Joydefair, the rising star in the electronic music scene, has unleashed an electrifying dance track titled "Craqué." With its...
Adam's Attic, the Southern California-based pop/rock band, has delighted fans with the release of their latest single, "Your Kiss," marking...
On June 23rd BMG proudly release Gary Moore’s The Sanctuary Years boxset, a remarkable collection of his powerful and emotive...
They’re one of the hardest working bands on the planet, consistently churning out new music and taking their raucous brand...
Wildflow records and Independent Appalachian singer songwriter Anthony W Rogers announces the release of Rogers’ fifth solo album, “High Five.”...
Magdalia is a Melbourne-born singer-songwriter who excels in telling stories with her emotive, distinctive voice. Her grandmother's middle name, Magdala,...
Gramercy Arms is a revolving New York-based collective of musicians and artists. Gramercy Arms' "Fucked Up And Beautiful" is a...
Juliet Callahan's "Depth of Soul" is an atmospheric hard rock song that takes listeners on a captivating sonic journey filled...