Too Loud To Dance's "Stage" begins with a nostalgic piano section, which is soon accompanied by an electric guitar, contributing...
Caleb Hart's "Riddim Man (Freestyle)" is a smooth, groovy music that combines reggae and dub, producing a vibrant feel based on...
Denacus' song "dRIP" is a moving tune that reflects the artist's honest feelings following a very personal loss. Denacus, born Dean...
Grumbeaux's "Bobby McGee (2024 Version)" is a creative, harsh take on a classic, with a distinctive experimental touch. The tune...
Zachary Mason's "Sweet Girl" is a nostalgic tribute to classic rock, beginning with warm, familiar guitar riffs that create an eternal,...
"Raiding England" by Super Glue Anxiety is a dynamic blend of raw punk force, starting with an odd intro that changes at...
Guynousi et Guiange's "Restons Proche de Dieu" is a vibrant energetic song that mixes French pop with reggaeton influences, leading...
Brett Ratner's Lakeshore Sunrise is a colorful instrumental trip that brilliantly blends blues rock and groovy beats, delivering an energetic, feel-good...
Sketchdoll's Afterwildlife is an interesting album that explores the world of alternative rock, giving respect to 1990s influences. Right from the start,...
Let The Wind Show Us Where by 22AD is an adventure through layers of rock history, combining the hard edge...