"Raiding England" by Super Glue Anxiety is a dynamic blend of raw punk force, starting with an odd intro that changes at...
Guynousi et Guiange's "Restons Proche de Dieu" is a vibrant energetic song that mixes French pop with reggaeton influences, leading...
Brett Ratner's Lakeshore Sunrise is a colorful instrumental trip that brilliantly blends blues rock and groovy beats, delivering an energetic, feel-good...
Sketchdoll's Afterwildlife is an interesting album that explores the world of alternative rock, giving respect to 1990s influences. Right from the start,...
Let The Wind Show Us Where by 22AD is an adventure through layers of rock history, combining the hard edge...
Eric Alexandrakis' song Home is a moving, nostalgic song devoted to the courage of people who have overcome personal challenges...
Craig Erickson's "Place In Space" is a carefully constructed instrumental composition that combines blues rock with ambient, new-age elements, creating...
O Kanenas' song "Freedom" is an exciting combination of folk and rock that changes between romance and pure power. The...
Composer and producer Óliver del Barrio (Somos el Viento) creates an attractive instrumental composition titled "Fragments," which is equally experimental...
S.Y.G.M.A's "The Countdown" begins with hard metalcore melodies and groovy riffs, creating a strong, aggressive atmosphere . The music is...