Jasmin O'Meara's track "Wolves" invites listeners on a mesmerizing sonic expedition, skillfully blending elements of pop, rock, and dance. Inspired...
"Hallowed Be Thy Name" by Iron Maiden (1982) - The song is inspired by the story of the Greek mythological...
"Achilles Last Stand" by Led Zeppelin (1976) - The song references the Greek hero Achilles and his legendary battle at...
Fireborn is fronted by powerhouse singer Jenny Gruber, and rounded out by Dennis Weber, Raphael Singh, Flo Bucher, and Chris...
The unmistakable chemistry between Lucy Di Santo (vocals, bass), Dan Cornelius (drums), and Steve Fall (guitars) is at the heart...
Rob Garland was born and raised in England, played in a wide range of bands, and later performed with his...
Outsound was unintentionally founded during a Chris Cornell tribute concert in early 2018 and started writing right afterwards. Outsound's "Crème...
The Number Red's "Siddhartha" takes listeners on an enchanting sonic adventure that seamlessly blends elements of both acoustic and electric...
The southern French city of Aix-en-Provence is the birthplace of Marc Béziat. At the age of 28, his musical imagination...
Lorenzo Cortés's "Inmortal" is a captivating classical music track that transcends boundaries, merging traditional Spanish folk music with religious elements....