"Utopia," the latest album by the talented artist Kid Lazuras, is a captivating and mesmerizing journey through a kaleidoscope of...
American Singer/Songwriter Tommy Roe had several top hits in the 60’s and 70’s starting in 1962 with “Sheila.” That same...
Dr. Benway, a seasoned DIY Jazz artist with an illustrious career spanning over 25 years, has once again graced the...
Tilburg, the Dutch progressive rock band, has once again graced us with a masterpiece that transcends boundaries. "Gods Descending," a...
British progressive melodic rock AOR band ATLAS are pleased to announce the release of their second single You’re Not Alone taken from their highly...
1. Congratulations on the release of your limited edition 7" vinyl single! Can you tell us more about the inspiration...
Mythologik's latest track, "Across Again," emerges as a blazing journey to their mastery in seamlessly blending various metal elements into...
The Midnight Vortex's latest track, "Burning Hell," is a hard rock gem that delivers a raw and captivating experience. With...
"Shine The Light" by the dynamic duo Alien Gothic is a voyage into the heart of cosmic goth. Comprising Ryan...
"Grumble Pie" by Mike Gale is a delightful indie rock gem that encapsulates the spirit of the 1960s with a...