Renowned singer-songwriter Jann Klose has released a mesmerizing acoustic music video for his latest single, "All The Way Down," a...
One of the most-aired hard rock bands on MTV during the late '80s and early '90s was Winger, a band...
“A good documentary keeps the viewer locked into every moment, and leaves them disappointed when it finally ends. Dio: Dreamers...
Perris Records announces the CD release of Paul Lidel's Scream Therapy "Scream Therapy" on October 20th. Imagine a band with...
Prog ensemble Circuline are excited to announce a new lineup! Keyboardist/vocalist Andrew Colyer (Robert Berry’s 3.2 Band, The Tubes), drummer...
"Searching" by Millhope is a blend of indie rock and electronic elements that creates a captivating soundscape reminiscent of the...
"Intentaré Otra Vez" by Greg’s Electric Song Salad is a delightful indie pop gem that effortlessly combines catchy acoustic guitar...
"What Kind of Fool Would Want to Fall in Love?" by The Lovelines is a delightful auditory journey that seamlessly...
"Κρατήσου απ’το παρόν" by Autoi Xoreuoun is a dark musical journey that seamlessly blends elements of Darkwave, Electronica, and Post-Punk....
"Forgive Me Back!" by Greg's Electric Song Salad is a lo-fi alternative rock track that encapsulates the essence of raw,...