Black 7's instrumental masterpiece, "The 2nd Chapter," is a journey through the realms of hard rock, symphonic metal, and progressive...
Spot (Fitz Remix) by Of Love and Lust (OLAL) offers a unique and compelling fusion of blues and alternative rock...
Stefanos Andritsios, the skilled guitarist, instructor, and solo artist hailing from Larissa, Greece, delivers a powerful instrumental piece with "Inner...
Ancient Settlers, hailing from the vibrant city of Donostia San Sebastian, Spain, presents a beautiful acoustic ballad titled "The Pilgrims...
"Bleed" by Amerakin Overdose is a relentless journey into the heart of industrial metal, delivering a sonic assault that draws...
"Steezy" by Waxamilion showcases the musical prowess and genre-bending finesse of Austrian musician Max Dornauer. As a jazz-trained guitarist, Max's...
"What Became of You?" by Wuzy Bambussy is an exploration of sound and emotion, skillfully crafted by the dynamic duo...
"Let's Keep This a Secret" by Maija unveils a soulful journey through the intricacies of the beginning stages of a...
"Nest" by Henri Kat is a dreamy folk track infused with indie pop influences that echo the timeless sounds of...
"Get Ready" by Jagy featuring the powerful vocals of Mika Waclawska is an emotionally charged folk metal narrative that transcends...