"Surviving" by John Couper is a track that combines elements of mystery, dance, and nostalgia. The track opens with enigmatic...
Symphonic metal vikings, LEAVES' EYES, have revealed new details about their much-awaited, new album "Myths Of Fate"! Slated for a release...
Prog legends Happy The Man have returned with the release of a new single, “Only Love,” on Martin Luther King...
Italian artist Dada Sutra takes listeners on a synth journey with her track "Diva," a sonic exploration that combines elements...
Ronan Furlong, the talented Irish musician and songwriter, weaves a compelling narrative in his folk rock gem, "Always Amazed." A...
Sergey Khomenko's instrumental track, "Opening a Closed Door," is a trip through a myriad of emotions and cinematic landscapes. From...
Exodus Rising's track "Paradise Lost - (Genesis)" is a dynamic and intricate piece that combines elements of Power Metal, Progressive...
Moonoises, a band hailing from Brindisi, Italy, has created a dark journey with their track "Black Beyond." The song brings...
In 1977 Gentle Giant recorded their ninth studio album “The Missing Piece". It was a time of change. Punk, disco and rap were...
1.Congratulations on your upcoming solo album, "Kiss of the Liquid Moon." Can you give us a glimpse into the inspiration...