"Running Away" by Haneke Twins is a hauntingly trip into the depths of post-punk, drawing influences from the dark wave...
Hard Music Reviews
"Welcome to the New Frontier" introduces listeners to the unique musical world of Shattered Worlds, a solo project spearheaded by...
Henry van der Zwan's "Journey" is an enthralling instrumental track that transports the listener through intricate melodies and energetic hard...
Celebrating an impressive 40 years in the industry, KMFDM returns with their 23rd studio album, "LET GO," featuring the core...
Lovelorn Dolls, the dark gothic synth-rock duo hailing from Brussels, delivers a haunting yet powerful musical experience with their latest...
Swedish post-punk outfit Then Comes Silence unveils their latest single, "Ride or Die," promising a mix of haunting melodies and...
Brenna's latest track, "In Your Head," delivers a powerful punch right from the start, with a lo-fi fading intro that...
"Take You There" by Sabatta is a two-minute instrumental odyssey that showcases the raw talent and eclectic style of guitarist...
"Walls" by Circolo Vizioso is a powerful and politically charged anthem that blends elements of blues, punk, and gritty rock...
Lovelorn Dolls, the Belgian duo known for their unique mix of gothic metal and ethereal melodies, unleashes their latest offering,...