May 16, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Leon Frear – Secret Second Moon

2 min read

Leon Frear’s “Secret Second Moon” offers a captivating blend of influences from Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds and Leonard Cohen, showcasing Frear’s baritone voice against a backdrop of diverse rock genres, including indie rock, rhythm and blues, and garage rock. The track exudes a subtle gothic atmosphere, even though the orchestration is predominantly guitar-driven, adding a unique dimension to the overall sound. The lyrics of “Secret Second Moon” are poetic and introspective, painting a vivid picture of winter nights and hidden lovers. The metaphor of a “secret second moon” suggests an elusive and mysterious element in the narrator’s life, adding a layer of intrigue to the narrative. The reference to a ghost and the recurring theme of looking up evoke a sense of longing and reflection. Frear’s lyrical prowess shines through in lines such as “Winter nights last longer when a hidden little lover / Hides just out of view, Like a secret second moon.” These lines establish a melancholic tone and set the stage for a contemplative exploration of emotions and memories. The composition itself follows a dynamic arrangement, with the guitar-driven rock elements providing a solid foundation for Frear’s vocals. The track maintains a balance between its atmospheric qualities and the raw energy associated with garage rock. This musical duality contributes to the overall allure of “Secret Second Moon.” The closing lines, “When I look up I just don’t know if I’ll see you, I shouldn’t hang my hopes on you,” encapsulate a sense of uncertainty and the realization that relying on fleeting moments or elusive figures may lead to disappointment. Leon Frear’s “Secret Second Moon” is a thought-provoking and emotionally rich track that successfully weaves together diverse musical influences. The combination of evocative lyrics and a dynamic musical backdrop creates an immersive experience, inviting listeners to delve into the complexities of love, longing, and self-discovery.

Photo Credit: photo by Jeremy Glickstein