June 15, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

Pete International Airport – Next of Kin

2 min read

“Next of Kin” by Pete International Airport is a haunting and psychedelic journey through the depths of sound and emotion. Crafted by Peter G. Holmström, known for his work with The Dandy Warhols, this track is a devotion to his artistic value. The backdrop against which this song was conceived, the pandemic, undoubtedly left its mark on “Next of Kin.” This influence is apparent in the melancholic darkness that permeates the track, intertwined with moments of peaceful beauty. The result is a sonic tapestry that mirrors the collective experience of the challenging times we’ve all faced, offering solace and introspection. “Next of Kin” defies easy categorization, blending elements of psychedelia, pop, and electronic music seamlessly. Drawing inspiration from iconic acts like Echo And The Bunnymen and Primal Scream, it weaves a rich and complex sonic landscape. At its core, the track features the ethereal vocals of Lisa Elle (of Dark Horses), whose voice adds an otherworldly dimension to this dreamy and modern pop anthem. The track’s hypnotic rhythms and swirling instrumentation create a sense of entrancement, inviting listeners to lose themselves in its sonic embrace. Each layer of sound seems purposefully placed, contributing to the overall atmospheric depth of the composition. The fusion of pop hooks with experimental textures makes “Next of Kin” a track that is as accessible as it is innovative. It’s a journey through the shadows of uncertainty, punctuated by moments of hope and beauty. This emotional complexity mirrors the human experience, and it’s a proof of Peter G. Holmström’s skill as a songwriter and musician. “Next of Kin” by Pete International Airport is a sonic exploration that transcends genre boundaries and speaks to the complexities of the human spirit. It’s a track that lingers in the mind, inviting repeated listens to uncover its hidden depths and nuances.


