June 1, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

US goth alumni Sunshine Blind reform

2 min read

Sunshine Blind co-founders Caroline Blind (New Jersey) and CWHK (San Francisco) announce today that they have renewed their songwriting partnership.

The news comes as the band’s original three studio albums, Love the Sky to Death (1995), Liquid (1997), and I Carry You (2003) all became available over the weekend for streaming for the first time, from all major digital music outlets.

Stream all three Sunshine Blind studio albums on: Spotify | Apple Music / iTunes | YouTube Music | Amazon | Deezer and all the usual outlets – or show them some love on Bandcamp!

Sunshine Blind were originally active from 1991-2003, disbanding when the husband-and-wife duo of Caroline Blind and CWHK parted ways. The live band has occasionally reunited for special one-off shows between 2010 and 2018, joined by longtime drummer Geoff Bruce (Faith and the Muse, Christ vs. Warhol), and later addition William Faith on bass (Faith and the Muse, The Bellwether Syndicate, Rozz Williams, Mephisto Walz), until frontwoman Caroline Blind embarked on a solo career.

On she and CWHK’s return to writing and recording together, Caroline says:

“After wandering the musical (and geographical) landscape for many years, experimenting with new modalities and lineup configurations, it seems we both came full circle: the opportunity to go back to where it all began presented itself, to write a couple of Sunshine Blind songs, and we’ve agreed to do so.

I don’t know if there was anything to the timing, besides both of us exhausting our searches for people to fill the roles that we each played for the other in the past.

And so far, there are no plans to play live, especially since we now live on opposite coasts of the US. But writing and recording we can do, and so far, it’s going well!”

Stream all three Sunshine Blind studio albums on: Spotify | Apple Music / iTunes | YouTube Music | Amazon | Deezer and all the usual streaming outlets – or show them some love on Bandcamp.

Follow Sunshine Blind for more updates:

sunshineblind.com | sunshineblind.bandcamp.com | facebook.com/sunshineblind