Arthur Brown is a truly groundbreaking rock music icon who pioneered a theatrical approach to musical performance that has been...
Year: 2020
Fresh from the release of their new album in September, the raw and propulsive Cryptology, goth rock icons Rosetta Stone have...
Legendary producer John Fryer presents his latest album'These Mortal Covers' under his Black Needle Noise moniker. This is a covers-based album, involving collaborations with a...
Cro-Mags songwriter and founder Parris Mayhew has returned with a new instrumental hardcore/metal band, AGGROS, and a brand-new single, “Chaos Magic.” Fans...
The Legendary Pink Dots founder Edward Ka-Spel is well-known as one of the most prolific artists to emerge from the...
Includes Eric Gales, Joe Louis Walker, Tyler Bryant, Colin James, Kirk Fletcher, Popa Chubby, Guitar Shorty, Pat Travers, James Montgomery...
This exciting anthology covers recordings made from 1979 to 2017, including superb remixes of songs from their ground-breaking 1982 debut album “Catholic...
DarWin is a Prog duo with DarWin as songwriter and Simon Phillips as a producer/musician. The new release of the...
Circuline is a Prog band featuring 6 band members (including 2 lead vocalists) which prepares you for a big production...
To tide fans over during trying times, multi-platinum electronic rock band ORGY has unearthed a never-before-seen video for the track “Spells,” taken...