May 20, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000

All Pens Blazing Volume I&II (Book)

2 min read

Neil Daniels is an author mostly known for his successful efforts in writing the biographies of various rock stars from the past & present. This time Neil is breaking into the other side of the business by trying to reveal the careers of those who hold the pens and made all those rock stars famous. How famous could you be as a rock star during the 80s if there were not magazines like Sounds, Kerrang, R.I.P. or Metal Hammer to praise your royal status in the music industry? In other words, Neil interviews all the famous music journalists of the 80s and 90s that contributed to the brand development of the popular bands of that era. During the 80s and 90s these people were almost as famous as the guys that they would interview. Music labels were flying them to attend the whole tour of a band and write all the hot details about this tour. Due to the lack of media clutter after the internet phenomenon, these guys were the major promotion outlets for the music industry. Thus, they had access to all forms of luxuries from the music directors, including free access to the world of sex, drugs and rock n roll. Of course not all of them enjoyed the posh treat from the business world but the rest of them knew everything was going on behind the stage and when the show’s over. This book is a sincere tribute to the blazing pens that made our rock n roll heroes look like pioneers of our fantasy and modern leather rebels of today.
