June 1, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000


2 min read

1. How did you come up with this name for the group?

Chris Kissadjekian, Takis Kalatzis and myself had already been “a band” for a year in 1993, when Jane Sabanikou joined us, so we figured out it was time to pick a name for us. We all made suggestions, but Jane really hit a nerve when she said “What’s The Buzz?” recalling the 70’s Rock Opera “Jesus Christ Superstar” by Andrew Lloyd Webber, which we all loved and -sort of- grew up with. Apart from that, “What’s The Buzz?” described perfectly our lack of genre identity. Rock, Metal, Blues, Funk were all there but “what kind of band are we??”.

2. Do you think that female vocals mix with rock music?

Well.. let me think.. Janis Joplin.. Pat Benatar.. Annie Wilson.. NO! WOMEN CANNOT SING ROCK! I’m joking of course. They surely can sing their guts out. As far as Jane’s vocals are concerned, I think she’s gonna make some enemies from all the male singers who would sell their soul to sing like that, and the female singers who would do the same to stop miaowing. She surely has the heaviest voice in Greece, no exaggeration.

3. You have a new album , tell me about it….

 Our first album was -at last- released in December of 2000 and it represents what we have been doing in the last 8 year! Many of the songs from our 1994-demo tape were re-recorded and included in the album along with new compositions. The album has many levels but in two words I would say it is Heavy Rock. We made our own production and we are very pleased with the outcome. 11 songs, about 1 hour running time and a 8-page colored booklet with lyrics and everything.. we spared no dime and time.

 4. Why do you distribute your album mainly from Internet?

Well, we started distribution through the internet in order to avoid to intermediaries and save some money. We had offers from some labels to do the distribution and we are thinking about that. 

5. Do you believe that classic rock / hard rock , could survive in the music scene of today? 

Theoretically, everything can survive as long as it lives in the heart of one man. The truth is we really don’t care. We do what we do for ourselves and never thought about selling it. But every time someone tells us that he loves our music, we are truly honored so, we wanted them to be able to have our music on a descent cd.

6. Any plans for tour?

 Yes, we plan to go as live as we can get. We already started the gigs in Athens and look forward to visiting any other Greek city that would like to host us. Meanwhile, on the 1st of April we will open the show for Cathedral at Rodon Club… Deja-vu!