May 9, 2024

Skylight Webzine

Online since 2000


3 min read

1.First of all, tell us the history of “Rain Novelty”?

 Rain novelty was born three years ago from Manolis, Sam, Babis and me (Nikos). Later Anastasia became a member and since then we recorded two demo cds. The first one was called “As April comes” and our latest one is “This star was born in heaven”. Lately two new musicians became part of our band. George (guitar) and John (drums).

2.Tell us some details for the demo cd “This Star Was Born In Heaven”?

 “This star was born in heaven” was recorded in studio Live. It contains two songs (Back to heaven, Aurora’s fallen star). Nick Spyropoylos is responsible for the engineering and we would surely like to thank him for the beautiful work (according to us). With this demo cd we try to contact people who love melancholic-atmospheric music and share our feelings and thoughts with them.

3.Is there any feedback from the audience about the demo till now ?

There is feedback from the audience and this fact makes us very happy and proud. We receive mail by listeners often enough, expressing their opinion and emotions for our work. For us that achieves the main purpose of playing music.

4.Which is the procedure when you write the songs?

 I write the lyrics and we make the music altogether. We work some off our ideas each one on his own and then we decide how to build the song. We like to work one song at time till it takes its last shape.

5. Have you already played any gig?

No we did not play live so far but it is in our program.

6.Your influences from the metal scene?

The fact is that all of us listen, or used to listen to metal music for years and the bands that helped us build our personalities, as musicians are so many. Right now I could think of “In the woods”, “Anathema”, “My dying bride”, “Tiamat”, “The third and the mortal”… Though I should say that our influences are not mainly from the metal scene. Gothic, dark wave, ethereal and symphonic music influences us also.

7.Tell me your opinion about metal scene in Greece

There are many bands that could take part in a more advanced Greek metal scene in the future but it needs persistence and patience due to the status quo.

8.Tell me you favourite album and your favourite band

 I do not have one favourite band in the sense of being bigot about it. Consider that every band has something special to offer.

9. What are your plans in the future for “Rain Novelty”?

N. Right now we are working on our new material. We are about to send our demo cd to some companies and we are practicing for live shows.

10. Is metal a way of your life?

Music is the way of our life. No matter if you call it metal, gothic or rock.

11. Have you any plans for a full-length cd?

We hope that we will see some interest for our work from the companies.

12 .I found you through Internet, do you think that the net can replace the old underground days?

I would not like to believe that the net or the computers could replace the old ways of communication. They could be valuable assistance to the wide spreading of music.

13.Thanks for your interview and close the interview, as you like.

Thank you for the interview. I would also like to close it with a big thanks to all who showed or will show interest in our music.

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