"Shine The Light" by the dynamic duo Alien Gothic is a voyage into the heart of cosmic goth. Comprising Ryan...
Alien Gothic, a band hailing from Denver, Colorado, takes us on a captivating and enigmatic journey with their track "In...
Nick Cheshire, a multi-instrumentalist and filmmaker, created the alternative rock band Indigo Daydream. Indigo Daydream wraps its devoted phrases in...
Friendship Commanders are a heavy duo from Nashville TN. Friendship Commanders' latest track, "High Sun," is a powerful and intense...
The Veldt, renowned pioneers of the shoegaze genre, make an exhilarating return with their long-awaited track, "The Everlasting Gobstopper." This...
"Icarus Emerged," the collaborative effort between singer Marissa Kephart (Holding Hour) and Ryan Gross (Skinny Dippers), is a captivating journey...
"Driveaway" by A Shoreline Dream is a mesmerizing instrumental track that immerses listeners in a captivating shoegaze experience. With its...
After weeks of anticipation, the brand new album from Manchester-based post-punk duo, The KVB, is finally released today! Artefacts (Reimaginings From...
Your music has been described as a blend of post-punk, shoegaze, and electronic sounds. How did you come to develop...
In order to push the boundaries of sonority, La Flor Romanial creates environments of controlled chaos that draw inspiration from...