In October, 2020, over 40 years after the founding members parted ways, The Damned announced a series of reunion shows...
Crash Harmony's "Velour Goddess" is a nostalgic journey through the vibrant world of late 1980s alternative music, mixed with the...
"I'll Wait" by First Umpire is a compelling track that mixes lo-fi rock with post-punk and indie elements, resulting in a...
HOWRU's "CHEMICAL MAKEUP" is a powerful piece that combines numerous genres, leading listeners on a cool musical trip. The song begins...
Tidal Water's "Defiance (Radio Edit)" is a powerful combination of modern production and classic rock elements that highlights the talent of...
Grumbeaux's "Johnny 99" is a dynamic composition with raw, punk-infused lyrics and cool bass rhythms that instantly attracts attention. The beginning of...
the Jesus Lizard, who release Rack, their first new album in 26 years, on Friday the 13th of September via Ipecac Recordings, offer a...
For a band that took the equivalent of three presidential cycles to release a new record, they didn't waste any...
Hot on the heels of the wildly successful Punk Floyd - A Tribute To Pink Floyd and High Voltage Punk - A Tribute...
Steve Creep and the Wildcards' "Bottles and Cans" begins with a gritty hard rock guitar riff that instantly reminds me...