LaCryzzle, the German band hailing from the heart of the krautrock tradition, delivers a dreamy auditory journey with their track...
Psychedelic Rock
In the enigmatic realm where music becomes an avenue to explore the unknown, Portland-based duo Sky Lions reigns as a...
The extended version of "Kambo Wambo" by Ari Joshua's RAaR Trio is a journey into the realm of musical exploration....
Montreal-based psychedelic band Lesbian Speed Dating takes listeners on an otherworldly voyage with their mesmerizing track "Lokah Samastah." Led by...
The Number Red's "Siddhartha" takes listeners on an enchanting sonic adventure that seamlessly blends elements of both acoustic and electric...
BIKE is a Sao Paolo-based psychedelic rock band. The band has been touring since 2015, and since then, they have...
Think Like A Key Music is thrilled to announce the long-awaited reissue and remaster of British Nirvana's mesmerizing 1996 album,...
Your music has been described as a blend of post-punk, shoegaze, and electronic sounds. How did you come to develop...
Dan Webb, the Australian composer known for his post-genre explorations, presents "Sungenre," the fourth single from his highly anticipated album...
Guitarist Matt Beebe and keyboardist Martin Moeller founded Grimy Styles after spending time in Kingston, Jamaica, where they recorded riddims...