Embertears, the musical project led by Tamas (Tom) Geza Albert, produces an ambitious and complex piece in The Time of...
Progressive metal
Eden Architect's "I'm Still Here" is a dynamic mix of progressive metal's classic origins and new creativity. The tune kicks...
Artificial Dream's "Darkest Shade Of Black" is a strong progressive metal mix that impresses with loud guitar riffs and complex synth...
ArcterrA's "Echoes" combines progressive metal and symphonic beauty, creating a piece that is both enthusiastic and ethereal. The song opens...
Oïkoumen's "Impulse" combines progressive and symphonic metal, highlighting the band's unique sound. The tune begins with an incredible cinematic burst...
"A World in Ruins," starring Emi Pellegrino, is a standout track that represents ArcterrA's mix of cinematic and progressive metal...
Forever in Transit's "Enter the Void" is a progressive metal piece that combines melody, speed, and emotional depth into a complex musical...
I, Helios' "Waves" is a complex and intense trip through progressive and post-hardcore metal sounds. The song instantly captures the...
The War Yaks' "Footprints" is a fusion of jazz, rock, and progressive elements that highlights the band's creativity and diversity in...
The contemporary progressive band Eden Architect from Atlanta, Georgia, has a really strong and complex song called "Mirror." With this...